
To our family and friends,

We hope this letter finds you and your family happy, healthy and enjoying the holiday season! Continuing the Neader tradition, here is the 2019 Year in Review.

It was another busy "international" year for the Neaders, spanning six continents. We hosted students from Spain and Ecuador during the first part of the year, and hosted another student from Austria for a month during the summer. Plus, everyone in the family traveled internationally during the year... but not together. For a little summary about what each of us has been up to, including those travels, read on...

Cameron is 22 and a Senior at UW-La Crosse. He will graduate this spring with a major in Communications and minors in both International Business and Economics. After graduation, he will be moving to Madrid, Spain, to attend EAE Business School, to obtain his Master's Degree in International Business. Cameron is still working at a local grocery store, Festival Foods, as a Customer Service Representative and is also working as an intern, managing social media for 4 Sisters, a business with three local bar/restaurant locations. This summer, Cameron spent a month in Australia and New Zealand, then a week in Alaska, visiting friends he met while on his previous student exchanges. In his free time, he still enjoys playing piano, composing songs and singing.

We welcomed Ashlyn home in June, after her year-long student exchange in Surat, Gujarat, India. It was a wonderful experience that changed her in many ways. Ashlyn is 19 years old and currently a Freshman at UW-La Crosse, getting her general ed classes in, while deciding on a major. She is working part-time at the People's Food Co-op in La Crosse and has also started making and selling custom jewelry - look for her store called "AshlynsLittleIndia" on Etsy.com.

Macy is 16 years old and in August began a year-long student exchange in Taipei, Taiwan, through the Rotary Youth Exchange program. She is loving her time in Taiwan and working hard to learn the language (Mandarin Chinese), which she is finding quite challenging.

With Macy in Taiwan for the school year, and Cameron and Ashlyn going to college (but still living at home to help take care of the house and the cats), it was an ideal time for Scott and Laurie to do some travelling. The first trip was 5.5 week journey during Oct & Nov that took them to Portugal (Porto, Douro Valley, Coimbra, Évora, Lisbon), Spain (Madrid, Segovia, Toledo, Granada, Seville, Barcelona) and Morocco (Marrakech, Fes, Chefchaouen, Essaouira). While many of the top tourist attractions were seen, there was also a focus to get off the beaten path - stays on a cork tree farm, and at a port wine vineyard, in-home dinners with local families, seeking out non-tourist restaurants without English menus, using Airbnb to stay in apartments, etc. It was a fabulous vacation and Scott and Laurie can't wait to do more of this type of travel. In fact, another trip is being planned for the spring of '20 to Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.

Well, that's the 2019 year-in-review. Until next year... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Love,
Scott, Laurie, Cameron, Ashlyn & Macy Neader 


給我們的家人和朋友, 我們希望這封信能帶給您和您的家人幸福、健康並度過假期!延續Neader的傳統,這是2019年年度回顧。

對於跨越六大洲的Neaders來說,這是又一個繁忙的"國際"年。我們在今年上半年接待了來自西班牙和厄瓜多爾的 學生,並在夏季接待了來自奧地利的另一個學生一個月。另外,這一年,這個家庭中的每個人都出國旅行了......但 不是在一起。有關我們每個人都做了些什麼的摘要,包括旅行,請繼續閱讀...

卡梅倫(Cameron)今年22歲,在西拉克羅斯大學(UW-La Crosse)升上了大四。他將於今年春季畢業於傳播學系, 並輔修國際商業和經濟學系。畢業後,他將移居西班牙馬德里,就讀EAE商學院,以獲得國際商務碩士學位。卡梅倫 (Cameron)仍在當地的雜貨店Festival Foods中擔任客戶服務代表,並且還在擔任實習生,管理4個姐妹的社交媒 體,這是一家在三個本地酒吧/餐廳所在地的公司。今年夏天,卡梅倫在澳大利亞和紐西蘭度過了一個月,然後在阿 拉斯加度過了一個星期,拜訪了他在以前的學生交流中認識的朋友。在業餘時間,他仍然喜歡彈鋼琴,作曲和唱歌。

在Ashlyn在印度古吉拉特邦蘇拉特進行了為期一年的學生交流後,我們於6月歡迎她回家。這次美妙的經歷在很多方 面改變了她。 Ashlyn今年19歲,目前是UW-La Crosse的新生,在決定主修課程的同時,也接受了普通教育課程的學 習。她在拉克羅斯(La Crosse)的人民食品合作社(People's Food Co-op)兼職,還開始製作和銷售訂製珠寶-在 Etsy.com上尋找她的名為" AshlynsLittleIndia"的商店。

梅西(Macy)今年16歲,8月通過扶輪青年交流計劃在台灣台北開始了為期一年的學生交流。她喜歡在台灣度過的時 光,並努力學習該語言(中文),這對她來說非常具有挑戰性。

梅西(Macy)在台灣讀書的期間,卡梅倫(Cameron)和 Ashlyn 上大學(但仍住在家裡幫助照顧房子和貓),是斯 科特(Scott)和勞莉(Laurie)出差旅行的理想時機。第一次旅行是10月和11月的5.5週旅行,帶他們去了葡萄牙 (波爾圖、杜羅河谷、科英布拉、埃武拉、里斯本),西班牙(馬德里、塞哥維亞、托萊多、格拉納達、塞維利亞、 巴塞羅那)和摩洛哥(馬拉喀什、非斯、舍夫沙萬、索維拉)。雖然看到了許多頂級旅遊景點,但也有一個重點是 造訪人跡罕至的地方-停留在軟木樹農場、港口葡萄酒葡萄園,與當地家庭的家庭聚餐,尋找沒有英語菜單的非旅 遊者餐館,使用Airbnb公寓等。這真是一個美妙的假期,斯科特和勞莉迫不及待地想做更多此類旅行。實際上,正 計劃在2020春季再前往愛爾蘭、蘇格蘭、威爾士和英國。

以上這些是2019年的年度回顧。聖誕快樂,新年快樂,期待來年......。 愛您們,

電  話:(02) 2523-8055
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